Ready to Reel ’em in this Summer? Registration is open STATEWIDE on 4-H Online for our summer skill-a-thon – fish June 1 – August 31st! Same rules and information used in the Spring event. Already have a profile in FishDonkey? No need to create another one! Summer tournament will open on this judging app on Monday, April 18th.
District 5 4-H Horse Show
Rules of Play for the 2022 District 5 4-H Horse Show have been released. Registration opens on April 1 and runs through May 3.
Three independent Shows (Qualifying, Futurity, and Open) will be offered with individual classes. See show schedule for classes offered and fees associated.
This year a clinic is being offered the day before the show that focuses on Stock Horse Horsemanship and Trail. Space is limited to 12 riders per time slot, either 8:00 am-12:00 pm or 1:00 pm-5:00 pm. Cost is $50 per participant (non-refundable). The clinician is Nancy Cahill, who has coached of the U.S. Team for the Youth Quarter Horse World Cup 15 times.
For more information, click here.
Horse Validation
Texas 4-H Horse Validation for the 2022 season is now open in 4HOnline. Horse Validation will be open from March 1 – May 1, 2022.
A few important reminders:
- The family can submit payment of $10.00 per horse ($20.00 after April 15th, or $250 from May 1st to May 5th), in the form of a credit card ONLY
- Each validation must include front view, right side view, and left side view images. The entire horse should be included in the photo and markings should be clearly visible.
- Image uploads must be in the form of a .jpg, .gif or .png file. PDF documents are not an accepted file type.
- Families should validate each horse only one time. Once the horse is validated, any sibling within that family is eligible to show the horse at their district show and/or the State 4-H Horse Show.
- Youth validating a futurity horse must be at least 12 years of age (as of Sept. 1, 2021) and at least in the 6th grade.
- The family will receive an automated message from 4-H Online when the County Extension Agent has approved the horse at the county level. This approval does NOT guarantee eligibility. After it is approved at the county level, the validation will then be reviewed at the state level. The family will be notified by June 1st if there are any issues with the validation at the state level.
Adult Rifle Project Clinic
Multi-District Judging – Horse, Livestock & Meat
Rules of Play for the District Horse Judging, Livestock Judging and Meat Judging contests have been released. Registration begins on March 1 for all three events. Visit the individual contest pages for more information:
D5 Shooting Sports Games and Rifle Clinic
Whether you are new to shooting sports competition or been competing for a while, this is the place to show your shotgun and rifle skills!
Shotgun Games has Novice and Regular classes, and even adults, with a registered 4-H member, can try their skill at various disciplines. Those offered are Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays, and 5-Stand.
Rifle Games is a 3-position event, with Junior age contestants only participating in prone. The other two positions, standing and kneeling, are included for Intermediate and Senior level contestants.
New this year is Smallbore Rifle Silhouettes. Smallbore Rifle Silhouettes are standard 1/5 scale steel chickens, pigs, turkeys, and rams as specified in section 4 of the NRA Rifle Silhouette Rules.
- Seniors shoot a standard 40-shot course of fire, including ten chickens at 40 yards, ten pigs at 60 yards, ten turkeys at 77 yards and ten rams at 100 yards.
- Intermediates shoot a 30-shot course of fire, including ten pigs at 40 yards, ten turkeys at 60 yards and ten rams at 77 yards.
- Juniors fire a 20-shot course, including ten pigs at 40 yards and ten rams at 60 yards.
Adults – Interested in coaching the rifle project? Sign up for the FREE rifle clinic to be held during the afternoon. Bring your .22 rifle and see if you can knock down the silhouettes!
District 5 4-H 3-D Archery Meet
In 2021, Ronald Barlow, Sabine County Ag and Natural Resources agent, lost his battle with COVID-19. Ronald was a huge proponent of youth education and spent many years as an ag teacher, principal, and county agent. He truly enjoyed working with youth and helping them to achieve their goals, and one of his favorite 4-H projects was Archery. Beginning in 2022, District 5 has renamed their competition to the Ronald Barlow Memorial 3-D Archery Meet to celebrate his life and the positive impact he made on 4-H youth. For more information, visit the 3-D Archery page.
Colorful Spring Flowers ID & Photography Contest
Spring will be here before we know it! District 5 is hosting a new contest this year: Colorful Spring Flowers ID & Photography Contest. Take and submit up to 10 photos of different spring flowers and earn points by identifying the blooms by common name. For more information and the rules of play, go the the Colorful Spring Flowers page.
Come Alive in D5
The District 5 Roundup has been revamped and now encompasses most contests and runs for 3 days. The contests you will be able to register for beginning on February 15th are:
- Ag Product Identification
- Consumer Decision Making
- Duds to Dazzle
- Educational Presentations
- Entomology Collection
- Fabric & Textile Creations
- Family Community Health Quiz Bowl
- Fashion Show
- Food Challenge
- Food Show
- Horse Quiz Bowl
- Horticulture Identification
- Leaders 4 Life
- Livestock Quiz Bowl
- Photography Judging
- Public Speaking
- Robotics Challenge
- Share-the-Fun
- Storyboard
For more information, head over to the Come Alive in D5 page.
2022 Texas 4-H Virtual Reel ’em in Fishing Skill-a-thon
The 2022 Texas 4-H Virtual Reel ’em in Fishing Skill-a-thon information has been released! Registration opens February 1st at 8:00 a.m. on 4HOnline. Be one of the first and you just might win a free Check-It-Stik©!